Saturday, January 12, 2008

Shapefile support finished

Thanks to the code I was developed for my original Balloon 3D API I just have finised the shapefile suport for WWJ ;) and I'm very happy because the performance is really good.

As I say previously, unfortunately it only works fine for flat world. I take a look in the Polyline implementation to know how to render it taking into account the globe relieve.


Anonymous said...

Damn, that’s good work!

Can’t wait to see this at a stage where OSM data could be integrated (see josm project aswell)

Antonio Santiago said...

Hi John,

is there any Java API to handle OSM queries or I need to parse it in my way?


El_M0RA said...

Hola antonio, se que este post es muy viejo y posiblemente ni lo leas, pero estoy haciendo mi PFC utilizando worldwind y no me aclaro muy bien cómo cargar los archivos SHP para que WWJ los utilice, mas bien estoy bastante perdido, si pudieses poner algun ejemplo o explicación te estaría muy agradecido.

Muchas gracias por anticipado.